Discover how 6 ex-offenders became unlikely heroes

in themselves in our very first compilation.ā€Øā€Ø

It is my view that ex-offenders can achieve a far greater impact in becoming a Societal Archetype (a role model which others can pattern after).

After all, their scars bear the marks of a past story that can be utilised purposefully to help inspire others today.

I believe that even just one transformed ex-offender has the potential to impact society in far greater measure than an average person would ever have.

To that goal, AOL strives to identify and develop these 'champions'.

And to tell a new narrative based on their transformed lives.

- Glenn Lim

Community Leader

Founding Chairman of AOL


"I Wanted to be Someone Different, Away From Conventional Studies."

Wei Hao was a defiant teenager whose desire to be part of something greater misguidedly led him into gang involvement.

While in a boysā€™ home, Wei Hao faced a crossroads to either continue on as a gang member into a life of regret or to re-enter school to prepare for a better future.

He chose the latter and was supported by his mother who never gave up on him. His motherā€™s undying love together with his sheer hard work and academic flair bore fruit when Wei Hao received nation-wide recognition for his national exam results.

In 2004, he was the National Top Scorer for the GCE ā€˜Nā€™ Level exams and the following year, was National Top Ten for the GCE ā€˜Oā€™ Level exams as well as recipient of the Lee Kuan Yew Award for Outstanding Students.

Wei Hao went on to win multiple accolades in National Service including Best Knowledge, Overall Best Trainee in Ground Based Air Defence and the Sword of Honour.Today, Wei Hao serves our nation as an officer with the Republic of Singaporeā€™s Air Force. He also has volunteered with the Ministry for Social and Family Development for Youth Hostels, Homes and the Ministriesā€™ events.

His vision is for Singapore to be a society that allows for all youths with a rough start to life to be able to excel to their fullest potentials.

Pan Wei Hao

Officer (Republic of Singapore Air Force)

"I Never Knew My Biological Mother."

As a teenager, Andyn thought he had found significance in gangs, vice and fighting. Only when shown mutual respect while in prison did Andyn restore his belief in society and sought to do his best while in prison school.

Out of prison, his life changed when given a chance to work as a personal trainer. This started him on a tough yet rewarding journey of coaching and learning the ropes of starting his own business.

Now the owner of the gym Strength Avenue, Andyn cares for the fitness and welfare of his clients and has over 10 years of fitness coaching.

Clients of his sports performance studio gym include professional athletes, mixed martial artists and amateur athletes and patients undergoing sports rehabilitation. His gym is also home to a team of record-holding Powerlifting and Kettlebell Sport athletes with whom Andyn has trained from the start.

Andyn firmly believes that dreams can flourish with hard work, passion and encouraging mentorship. His dream is to see former offenders working competently in meaningful job roles for gainful employment.

Andyn Kadir

Entrepreneur | Gym Owner

"Whatever Will be, Will be.

The Future's not Ours to See!"

Formerly in sales, Norli believes in helping others in their time of need, with a soft spot for the younger generations.

Having had a difficult childhood (due to the early death of her mother), Norli struggled with issues of self-esteem, which caused her to experience multiple cycles of drug addiction, offences and subsequent release from corrective facilities.

Today she lives drug-free and lives everyday to exemplify to her children what it means to live life to the full. A strong believer in giving back to her community, her advocacy spirit has led her to share her story to a wide range of audiences from schools to corporate events with the organisation ā€œBeautiful Peopleā€ for whom she volunteers.

Most recently, she has shared her story in the book ā€œFrom Stereotypes to Archetypesā€ published in 2018 by Architects of Life. Her story has captured the attention of local and regional news outlets such as Singaporeā€™s Lianhe Zaobao, Berita Harian and the China Press in Malaysia.

A family woman, Norli prioritises time with her children and childhood friends with their families. Her dream is to help mothers in the drug rehabilitation centres triumph over their drug addictions so that once again, they can embrace motherhood.

Norli Ismail

Luxury Brand Saleswoman

"Anything a Bad Kid Could Do, I Believe I Have Done Worse."

Coming from a disadvantaged background, Kenneth was an angry and violent teenager. His rebellious heart drove him deep into gang involvement, including secret society involvement, violent gang fights and drug-related crimes.

Eventually at age 19, Kenneth was arrested by police. In prison, he turned over a new leaf due to his Christian faith and when finally convinced of the empty show of a gangsterā€™s life.

Kennethā€™s life changed when his creative talent was discovered by a local media and design school.

Today, Kennethā€™s design work is prominent in Singapore and the region with an impressive track record of awards and achievements.

Gifted with a creative design talent from a young age, Kenneth holds multiple awards ā€“ most notably the Singapore Spring Design Award in 2008 and Singapore Young Designer Award in 2009 ā€“ and has won many local design competitions such as those organised by Converse, Mini Cooper and Canon Photography.

His rise in Singaporeā€™s creative design industry has allowed him to further build his skills in roles such as Design Director, Senior Art Director and Creative Director. Today, Kenneth is an entrepreneur managing 2 companies for advertising, branding and interior design projects both locally and regionally.

He also has a heart for the community, strongly believing in mentoring the younger generation and in preparing them for the future.

A volunteer with Architects of Life, Kenneth has shared his life story with the boys and girls at the Singapore Boysā€™ Home, Singapore Girlsā€™ Home, Gracehaven Salvation Army and Singapore Boysā€™ Hostel.

Kenneth Tan

Advertising, Brand and Interior Designer


"I Could not Do What a Normal Kid Could."

Formerly living a life of gangs and vice as a rebellious teenager, a near-death experience was Yuzreeā€™s wake-up call. After realising the fragility of life, his purpose to truly help others was renewed.

Today, Yuzree is a recognised local musician who lives to inspire others through the sharing of his personal songs and stories.

He has performed at events organised by the Yellow Ribbon Project, Architects of Life, Orita Sinclair School of Design and Music and also at numerous local music festivals and corporate events on a regular basis.

With a humble heart for the younger generation, Yuzree also regularly gives talks to youths in secondary schools and tertiary institutions, seeking to inspire them onto a life of chasing their dreams and never limiting themselves.

His story has captured the attention of local news outlets such as the Berita Harian Singapura and Millennials of SG.

Crow Yuzree


"I Felt I Was Not Getting the Attention I Needed From My Family."

Once a school dropout and gang member, Andrewā€™s growing-up years were filled with vice, substance abuse and self-indulgence. It took a second time in prison before, through his Christian faith, Andrew committed himself to freedom from addictions and a renewed purpose to help others.

Today, Andrew holds a degree in Communications Management and is certified in Digital Marketing, Advertising and Business Development. He has over 15 years of experience in marketing, communications, advertising and business development in various industries holding titles such as Marketing Communications Manager, Business Director and Associate Director.

His work experience has brought him overseas to He Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where for 4 years he worked to establish and head a Singapore-based integrated marketing communications agency as its General Manager.

Andrewā€™s passion is to connect with people in order to impact positive change and toward that aim, he regularly mentors youth at-risk, using his past experiences to connect with and guide them towards pursuing purposeful lives.

Andrew also volunteered as a Board of Advisor with Architects of Life, a Committee Member with the Unlabeled Run and previously was Honorary Secretary with the Singapore Business Group in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Chapter.

Andrew Ong

Head of Corporate Partnerships


MR K. Shanmugam

Minister for Home Affairs

Minister for Law

Once in a long while, a book is written that helps impact and transform lives. I believe this is such a book, because it is all about transformed lives.

Transformed lives will always impact other lives. They offer hope to those searching for hope - "If it can happen to you, it can happen to me too! If you can make it, I believe I can make it too."

Mr Jason Wong


Focus on the Family Singapore


Yellow Ribbon Project and Dads for Life

"The rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders and ex-offenders require the community's collective effort. Their journey in changing for the better, and being accepted back into society, is a challenging one.

From Stereotypes to Archetypes is a collection of stories by ex-offenders on this journey to change for the better.

Ms Elim Chew


Iā€™m Kim Junior Korean BBQ restaurants


77th Street Fashion Wear

AOL is making waves again with this compilation of inspiring true stories! Each story recounts a hurtful past, but also points towards a bright future.

Not only that, each one of these subjects are now making a difference in society! This is truly transformational!

Like what you see?

Get your copy today.

Architects of Life is a social enterprise that specialises in developing the human potential of

youths at-risk and ex-offenders through outreach, developmental and intervention programs.
